Felt for oil seals
Showing 1–12 of 23Сортировка: по рейтингу
Felt TS 20 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 16 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 14 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 12 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 10 mm GOST 288-72
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 8 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 6 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 5 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 4 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt TS 3 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-011:2018
998.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt PGS 20 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-012:2018
674.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock -
Felt PGS 16 mm TU U 13.9-31478949-012:2018
674.00 UAH Add to cartIn stock
Showing 1–12 of 23Сортировка: по рейтингу
В самом названии войлока обозначено основное предназначение данного материала в машиностроении. Это сальниковое устройство, сальниковое уплотнение или сальник— один из видов уплотнительных устройств подвижных соединений различных устройств и механизмов. Ввиду простоты своей конструкции это одно из самых распространённых и давно известных уплотнительных устройств. Сальники используются как уплотнения также и в неподвижных устройствах. Применяется в оборудовании и механизмах практически всех сфер машиностроения
Сальниковый войлок предназначен для применения при небольших скоростях и нагрузках в местах где предъявляются не очень высокие технические требования. Имеет высокую плотность. Хорошо удерживают смазку в узлах трения. Сальники из войлока обладают высокой упругостью. Обладают стойкостью к истиранию. Предохраняет узлы и детали от пыли и воды
Technical felt for oil seals is divided into types depending on the raw materials used in its manufacture. Three types of felt for oil seals are produced for mechanical engineering:
- rough-haired omental;
- semi-coarse omental;
- fine-haired omental.
Raw materials used for the production of felt for oil seals
The different properties of different types of felt are due to the different composition of the raw materials used for its production.
- Thus, raw materials for the production of coarse-wool gland felt must comply with the following standards in composition and quantity:
- Type of fiber - Mass fraction of fibers in the mixture, %,
- Natural sheep wool, calculated as washed – 41%
- Factory sheep wool – 7%
- Factory cow wool – 10%
- Other factory wool -5%
- Regenerated wool -25%
- Refined products from own production – 12%
- To produce semi-coarse wool gland felt, it must comply with the following standards for composition and quantity:
- Type of fiber - Mass fraction of fibers in the mixture, %,
- Natural semi-coarse varietal sheep wool – 48%
- Sheepskin fur semi-fine and semi-coarse wool, combed semi-coarse tow – 35%
- Factory cow wool – %
- Recovered wool and waste products from its production in purified form – 17%
- And the composition of the raw materials used for the production of fine-wool gland felt is regulated by regulatory documents and must comply with the following standards for composition and quantity:
- Type of fiber - Mass fraction of fibers in the mixture, %,
- Natural fine wool of at least 60 quality – 30%;
- Natural semi-fine wool -20%;
- Natural semi-coarse wool – 25%;
- Large fine and semi-fine combed tow and fine sheepskin wool – 25%.
Depending on the purpose and shape, the following types of parts are made from felt for oil seals:
Part type
- Oil seal plate
- O-ring
- Disc seal
- Seal tape
The most widely used are felt gland seals in the form of rings.
Felt seals made in the form of omental rings, made of coarse-wool and semi-coarse-wool omental felt, are used at peripheral speeds of no more than 2 m/s. Fine-wool stuffing felt is used at peripheral speeds of no more than 5 m/s.
It is not recommended to use stuffing box seals made of felt:
- in critical structures and in conditions of increased environmental pollution;
- with excess pressure on one side of the ring;
- at temperatures above 90°C.
When operating the stuffing box rings in an environment that causes increased wear on the shafts, it is recommended to install protective bushings on the shaft (Fig. 1).
Rice. 1
When installed in gland seals, the rings can be doubled (Fig. 2).
Rice. 2
When operating in highly contaminated, dusty and humid environments, it is recommended to use packing felt rings in combination with groove seals, labyrinth seals or labyrinth-groove seals.
Technical requirements for mating parts.
The hardness of the shaft journal under the ring is recommended to be at least 47HRC.
The runout of the shaft journal dв under the ring during rotation in bearings should be at peripheral speed:
- up to 4m/s - no more than 0.1 mm;
- St. 4m/s - no more than 0.06 mm.
When installing felt seals on shafts located vertically and in damp rooms, it is recommended to protect the seal with a shaped disc.
Before installing the rings, it is recommended to soak them in a heated mixture ofuniversalmedium melting grease (85%) and flake graphite (15%).
Technical characteristics of felt for oil seals
Each type of gland felt has its own unique characteristics.
Coarse-wool gland felt
- Indicator name:
- Standardized humidity, % – 13
- Density, g/cm — 0.36±0.02
- Tensile strength kgf/cm2, not less than -15
- Elongation at break, %, no more than – 145
- Mass fraction of free sulfuric acid, %, no more than – 0.8
- Mass fraction of plant impurities, %, no more than — 1.0
- Mass fraction of non-wool fibers, %, no more than -15
- Mass fraction of mineral impurities%, no more than – 0.2
Semi-coarse omental felt
- Indicator name:
- Standardized humidity, % – 13
- Density, g/cm — 0.36±0.02
- Tensile strength kgf/cm2, not less than – 25
- Elongation at break, %, no more than – 140
- Mass fraction of free sulfuric acid, %, no more than – 0.8
- Mass fraction of plant impurities, %, no more than — 1.0
- Mass fraction of non-wool fibers, %, no more than -8
- Mass fraction of mineral impurities%, no more than – 0.15
Fine-wool gland felt
- Indicator name:
- Standardized humidity, % – 13
- Density, g/cm — 0.44±0.02
- Tensile strength kgf/cm2, not less than - 35
- Elongation at break, %, no more than – 135
- Mass fraction of free sulfuric acid, %, no more than – 0.5
- Mass fraction of plant impurities, %, no more than — 0.5
- Mass fraction of non-wool fibers, %, no more than -5
- Mass fraction of mineral impurities%, no more than – 0.12
Where to buy felt for oil seals
В интернет магазине FULL SET г. Харьков, представлен полный ассортимент войлока для сальников. Мы поможем подобрать Вам подходящий по размеру и толщине лист войлока, необходимый для решения вашей задачи. Всегда в наличии войлок в листах грубошерстный сальниковый, полугрубошерстный сальниковый и тонкошерстный сальниковый толщиной от 3 до 20 мм.
Felt is sold in sheets.
Sheet dimensions(cm):
Minimum - 140 x 160
Maximum - 180 x 220
To purchase felt, place an order through the website forms for any quantity.
We will contact you as soon as possible and help you choose the appropriate sheet based on your requirements.
Make payment for felt for oil seals in any way convenient for you.
All methods are available to us:
Payment in cash can be made:
upon receipt of goods at the point of delivery (pickup);
upon receipt of goods at the Nova Poshta branch (cash on delivery)
Payment by card on the website
Payment by Visa, MasterCard bank cards directly on the website or using the LiqPay service.
Payment to current account
Payment by bank transfer to a bank account.
We will also pack and ship your purchase to you using any courier service of your choice.
Happy shopping!